Monday, April 30, 2007


Last night I decided to to take a break from my assignments for a few hours. I catched one of the best movies I have ever watched-Namesake. It was really good. I felt so connected with the characters and it was so believable.

It started with the arranged marriage between Ashoke and Ashima. Ashoke at that time was a PhD student in America. Ashima left India to start a new life with Ashoke in NY. It was her first time flying and to make things worst she was going to NY at the peak of winter. They had two children, Gogol and Sonia. They grew up with the Amricans but slowly forgot their culture. I am not going to spoil the whole story by telling you everything. It has many Indian/Asian culture element in the movie and I higly recommend it to everyone. Go watch it and lets have a discussion after that. Trust me, it is worth your money.

As Liturgy Coordinator COSDU 2006/2007

Almost a year ago, I was seated at West Hall, St.Mary's College eating Domino's Pizza. It was COSDU's AGM. I went in there with the hope that I will lead COSDU for 2006/2007 with my friends working hard with me for the greater glory…

For God knows my ability better than myself… I left West Hall that evening with a different portfolio. A portfolio that I am very proud of, God has entrusted me with. Some people might call it easy stuff with no stress involved, and some people might look at it as a service or a medium to allow God to work His miracles. I was elected as the Liturgy Coordinator for COSDU 2006/2007.

Why do I say 'service or medium to allow God to work His miracles'? My duty is to prepare the church- the physical church(building) and also to prepare the other church which is YOU!. If you are still confused as to what is the miracle, it is the Liturgy of the Eucharist where we as Catholics believe that the bread is made flesh-Jesus's flesh.

What do I mean by preparing the physical church?
It is setting the altar with the all necessary items- Sacramentary, Lectionary, Chalice, Purifier, Water(to wash fingers), Finger towel, Cruets(Water and Wine), Bread for Holy Communion( Until today, I cant estimate the amount of people attending Mass, I always put more!) , candles. I am very sure I left some stuff out but I guess you get the gist of it. Woops.. I knew I forgot something.. get a gift for the celebrant(COSDU will reimburse)

What do I mean by preparing you?
Getting a priest (most of time easy, unless I leave it till the last minute), getting the readings for the Liturgy of the Word, getting in touch with Music Coordinator (Denning) to discuss the main essence of the readings so that he can choose the appropriate hymns/songs, getting in touch with the Spiritual Advisor (Sr.Theresa) to discuss/prepare the Prayer of the Faithful and priest contacts if necessary, getting readers(harder than getting a priest! hehehehe), giving a little 5 minute formation for the readers if necessary and lastly getting a Communion Minister to assist the celebrant with the distribution of Holy Communion.

I also do other stuff that is not officially included under my portfolio but I feel will be helpful in our spiritual growth, such as compiling all the Mass times for the Holy Week and Days of Obligation, preparing mass booklets for mass( hoping you guys will bring it back and meditate over the readings) and also send out occasional emails regarding meaning of special events the Catholic Church celebrates.

My term is coming to an end, and it is time for me to hand over the duty that God has entrusted me to another person. I am happy that another person will be able to go through the same 'fun' I went through. The question now is-

Who makes the best Liturgy Coordinator?
Firstly, this position is open to BOTH male and female. This person SHOULD have a sound knowledge of the Liturgy and NO experience is required( you don’t have to be an ex altar server) and most importantly this person must be willing to learn and enjoy the service he/she gives to God.

Why should you consider this position?
You will understand the mass better
This will be a chance for you to mingle other older people(not just your parents, relatives, and tutors)
You have no choice but concentrate during mass! Hehehe
You will be in the COSDU Committee 2007/2008 where you will be able to plan and decide the future of COSDU.
Hello???….. you are serving God in a special way!

Lastly, my promise, I will be there to guide the newly elected through the preparation of the Exam Mass and that would be the last time I would be in charge. After that mass, the newly elected will be fully in charge and I will not interfere with anything regarding this portfolio UNLESS the newly elected ask me for my help. This is to avoid me from influencing the new Liturgy Coordinator thus allowing COSDU to further develop.

I hope I have served you well, as Liturgy Coordinator, as an elected member of COSDU Committee 2006/2007 and also as COSDU Easter Camp 2007 Committee Member. I am sorry if I have offended you or did not fulfil your expectations of me during my term of office. I did everything to the best of my ability. To COSDU Committee 2006/2007 thank you very much for the great year we had working together for the better of COSDU and to my friends from the Easter Camp 2007 committee, A Job Well Done guys! To everyone else, thank you for coming to church because YOU MAKE THE CHURCH and if you don’t come they wont be Mass!
COSDU Committee 2007/2008, my best wishes and I pray that COSDU will continue to grow and reach out to all the International students so that they will all call COSDU, A home away from home!

I guess my last post in office…

Liturgy Coordinator
COSDU 2006/2007

Just thought of sharing this story…
Last year while looking for a job, I had accidently put in my CV that I am a Liturgy Minister and not Liturgy Coordinator. When I went for the interview, the director of the fairly large archi practice asked me if I was a pastor and I looked at him blankly. He then showed me my CV and asked me what do I mean by Liturgy Minister…. May be that is why I did not get the job and I am back in Uni. Hehehehe

Thursday, April 19, 2007

If you dont have something nice to say... SHUT UP!

Last night was spent in deep thought and this afternoon I was watching Oprah for a shortwhile when I heard this song. I googled it and found the lyrics... The lyrics actually summed up my thoughts.

I need you
you need me
we're all apart of God's body
stand with me agree with me
we're all apart of God's body
It is His will that every need be supplied
You are important to me
I need you to survive
I'll pray for you
You pray for me
I love you
I need you to survive
I won't harm You With words
from my mouth
I love You
I need you to survive

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Patron Saint for Architects

Guess wht? I was googling and found that Architects have two Patron Saints. St.Barbara and Thomas the Apostle.....
To those who dont know what is a Patron Saint. The answer is-"Patron saints are chosen as special protectors or guardians over areas of life. These areas can include occupations, illnesses, churches, countries, causes -- anything that is important to us. The earliest records show that people and churches were named after apostles and martyrs as early as the fourth century. " taken from

OK, I gotta get back to work. Still not done with assignment.Due tomolo.

St. Barbara and Thomas the Apostle pray for me.

Friday, April 13, 2007

You know you are an architecture student when you.....

My junior from Taylor's(Malaysia) sent me this... It is very true. I have put some words by the side. Do take a read.. Do not sympatise for me.. just say a prayer for all archi students around the world. I will write a petition to the Pope soon to ask him to allocate a Patron Saint for Architects...

*You know you're an architecture student when...* know the janitors by name.(I dunno her name but I know her whole family story, I call her auntie, she is from Phillipines)
....your roommates say "good morning," and you reply "good night." carry a toothbrush in your backpack. (It is in my locker)
....someone asks you for your phone number and you give them the studios. (No phone in the studio) start paying rent for your desk space in studio.
....You total up 3 meals of the day to your breakfast."(Will never happen,food is my life)
....'Red Bull' is you favorite drink. (I just bought a dozen from the Asian grocer, not normal Red BUll, MUST be Thai Red BUll-stronger)
....all of the Christmas gifts you give are wrapped in trace. ask Santa Clause for architecture supplies.(I got my parents) ask Santa Clause for a sleeping bag.
....after all of your expenses, you can't afford to pay attention.(Mom,that is why I dont keep track) have 3 or more cups of double shot coffee espressos in one night .(I take Red BUll and V) hear the same song on the radio 3 or more times in one night. (Very true)
.... You know the different taste between UHU and Pritt glue(I dunno bout taste but I know the smell)
.... You can stay alive without sunlight, communicate with people nor having foods but you would commit suicide if the plotter doesn't plot your work out .(Reminds of last semester) workers are already working.
....You've lost your house key and u realized week later sleep more than 16 hrs at weekends
....u dance madly at 3 am though u aren't drunk(Shyn, remember?) note smt with yr drafting pen or yoken(All my pens are drafting and felt tip)
.... You are an expert and Photoshop, illustrator and auto cad but u don't know how to use MS excel(Yup!)'ve got 2 subjects / day but u got to study it whole day spend more time in studio than in your own bed.(Yeah! stop laughing)
....your parents are complaining that you're not having enough fun.(That will never happen) only leave studio to buy supplies. haven't taken a shower in a week. see showering as a waste of time.'ve ever dreamt about your models.
....upon hearing 'supermodel', you think of a nicely crafted-foam core model.
....your parents have more of a social life than you.
....your 14-year-old brother has more of a social life than you. consider using broccoli for your models. enjoy hanging out at 'Home and Garden Fair'. (Hehehehe) know all the 24-hour food places in the area. (There are none around Melb Uni, China Bar in the City closes at 3 and so does Noctturno)
....your friends get more sleep in one night than you do in one week.
....the streetlights turn off. (Yeah)
...You consider 3AM an early night.
....when you are out at 3AM, and people knows where you're at.
....everything you eat comes in single serving baggies.
....the idea of a 24 hour 'Kinko's' make's perfect sense .(Exactly!)
...smoking sounds appealing.'re out on Friday nights in studio.
....the only building on campus with its lights on is your studios'. (and the guards room) say "It's only midnight- I have plenty of time to finish." confuse sunrise with sunset. ask what time it is, then ask "AM or PM?" strangle your roommate because she said she stayed up late studying.
....your Friday night is 68 hours long. know how much a cubic foot of concrete weighs (150lbs). slice your finger, and the first thing you think of is if you'll be able to finish your model. understand why architects have glasses and white hair. (I was the only one in my batch from Taylor's without glasses)
....You call some great architects as if they are you friends. err... Frank... Tadao. swear there are only 120 people at USC. know all of these are true, no exaggerations. can listen to all your CD's in one night.
....certain songs remind you of studio. (Yeah! My way by Frank Sinatra and Robbie Williams) change the style of music to country coz u r fed up with POP
....Sister's favorite brand names are Prada DNKY etc... But yours are Mastex, Staedtler, pentel, rotring(and Faber Castel Felt tips) dare not to have a gf/bf coz no one can accept for what u are (Thta might be the reason) can conceptually compose the food on your plate. think the 'Weekender' happens every weekend.
....upon hearing 'Weekends' you think of sleep.
....the 'Shop Cafe' closes when you arrive, and reopens before you leave studio. have to wait for breakfast shops to open.(Kiosk Coffee opens at 7.30) go to the food shop, and order the "usual", and they understand. use architecture tools to eat. only buy groceries once a month. wake up to go to school and you're already there. start wearing all black.(GEtting there) have no life, and admit it. start to critique a radio selection's selection of songs. bring your friends to studio to keep you company. refer to outside studio as the "Real World."
...."going out to eat" is at the 'Shop Cafe'.
....going on a vacation involves going to 'Flax' or 'Pearl'. confuse today and tomorrow. tell time by when other people leave studio. can write a 6-page term paper by procrastinating. hear "Didn't you wear that yesterday?' followed by "and the day before that?" roommate files a Missing Person Report. count the number of days (not hours) you've been awake. think days are 48 hours long. go to the store to buy a six-pack of 'Red Bull'. (A dozen is cheaper)
...."Homecoming" happens once a term.
....on Halloween, you dress like your instructors.
....on Halloween you trick-or-treat in studio to get arch supplies or 'Red Bull.'
...."respect", "coolness', and "hatred" are all based on how much sleep you get, or lack of. (Sorry my friends,bear with me) see your own picture on a milk carton. start using words your instructor uses.
....your bed has collected a layer of dust on it.
....concept of time is not forward, but a countdown from the time a project is due ("What time is it?""4 hours 'till"). contemplate suicide 3 times a day. (Sadly, 2 hours ago I did, when my file was corrupted, luckily my tutor helped me) contemplate dropping your major 3 times a day.( Icant wait for my studies in uni to end) have a tent pitched in studio, but still don't go to sleep.
....doing models all night long excites you. (Which model, No way if board models, human models sounds good) know the people in the studio better then your roommates.(Very true)
....Drimmels are a lifelong investment, if you can keep the parts.
....Gesso is pointless.
....X-acto knives can be dangerous
... as we all know or will find out.
....Beer pyramids AND Red Bull pyramids are some of our late-night late projects.
....Elmer's glue doesn't dry quick -- not even close.
....They know the phrase "Always done, never done" all too well and wish the professors would stop saying it
....They can always have more construction lines.
....They know the number and price of their favorite item in the snack machine downstairs, as well as every other item and all the drinks in the other two machines.(Melbourne Uni's is upstairs)
....And if you have been drunk while in the studio working on a project, join the club. (Shyn, remember the Carlton and Boag's)
....they believe they should be paid just for having the major drink more in studio than you do when you're out have sent messages on aim to another jackass architecture student in the same room as you are(done tht) think "X-Acto Blade Throwing" is a sport. have 3 or more 'Mountain Dews' in one night (V and Red BUll) spend more time in studio than with your wife.(Wife?)
...."scoring" involves an X-Acto blade don't find out who wins the Presidential Election until Thanksgiving Break, if you get one at all.
....a break consists of moving your car.'ve memorized you favorite vending machine combination item (B6).(B12- V Black) use your T-square or straight edge as a baseball bat.
.....the day has 2 sunrises. test which glue will cause your model to burn faster.
.....when you tell people you major in "architorture"
....U can't draw without listening to music!
....when people tell you that they like walking around with you because you see things know one else does.(Jason, and myself were walking back yesterday and we were talking bout Astorial's window location because of the neighbouring building has a Heritage Overlay)
....when you don't understand how someone doesn't strategize their way through traffic (or everything else in life).
....when someone says "icon" and you think of Louis I. Kahn.( hehehehe..Essay question last sem... Kahn's icon buildings)
....when someone says "eye candy" and you think of gratuitous details on a building.
....when you use words like "gratuitous".
....when you have to use spellchecker to see if you spelled "gratuitous" right.
.... When you're not sure what day of the week it is
.... When you have slept straight through a day and into the next day after a final review
.... When lack of sleep makes you feel and act as if you are high
.... When any flat surface is seen as a place to take a nap (underneath the tables in the computer room (that's where it is the warmest), in hallways, on drafting boards
.... When a relationship with an upperclassman seems like a good idea because they might be able to help you on your project(seniors never helped me)
.... When a relationship with an underclassman seems like a good idea because their final review is before yours and therefore, they can help you produce once they are finished
.... When the books that you read consist primarily of photographs and not so much of words
.... When you have to ask your fellow architects to give you wake up calls(I cant trust anyone...I wake ppl up)
.... When you have three or more alarm clocks in your room.
.... When cutting yourself with an x-acto seems like a good idea because it will give you an excuse for not having finished your work (thought of that before)
.... When you go to studio and spend more time socializing than doing work
.... When you have big enough balls to tell a critique that they are wrong (done that and had to face the concequnces)
.... When everyone in studio hates you because you are the one who plays their music too loudly
.... When after playing your music too loudly the same people who hated you start to take interest in your music
.... When you have developed an addiction to buying new albums, because you have gotten sick of all your old ones
.... When trying to decide what album to play you find an album you haven't listened to a while and it ends up being the perfect choice.
.... When professors for courses outside of the architecture school are lenient once they are aware you are an architecture student.
.... When you tell someone in another school that you are architecture major and they automatically assume you have no social life
.... When you have a non architect friend who wants to tag along to architecture parties because they know that architects have the best parties
.... When you are the only sober person standing outside of the hot truck on a Friday/ Saturday night
.... When you have a sign taped to your back that says do not disturb unless you are ordering food or handing out free blowjobs
.... If it were possible to bartar sexual favors for production help, you would seriously consider pulling tricks
.... You have given a final presentation with your fly open
.... You try to do things to make your friend laugh while he is presenting (done that)

OK now Ramesh is going back to his work...Due on Monday and not even half way done.